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AGS Starter 0.6.0

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Release Date: February 7th, 2023 Indochina Time.

  • Current AccelByte SDK Unreal Engine: 21.0.3
  • Current AccelByte SDK Unity: 15.12.0
  • Current AccelByte Network-Utilities: 2.9.0
  • Current AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.2.3
  • Current AccelByte OSS: 0.8.11

Here’s a look at what’s new in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Starter 0.6.0


  • Use the SDKs to Create Lobby partyNotif and Matchmaking Reject Requests

We’ve improved our SDKs so you can now use sendPartyNotifResponse and partyNotif to send and receive party notifications amongst party members. You can also send matchmaking reject requests to players through the lobby if there is a player with an empty role attribute trying to enter a role-based game mode.

  • Client-SDK Improvements

Our Client-Side SDK now has the ability to:

  • Calculate the server time added in both Unreal Engine OSS and the Unity SDK.

  • Use the Analytics service with the Unreal OSS.

  • Support for Unreal Engine 5.1

The AccelByte Unreal Engine Cloud SDK and OSS now support Unreal Engine version 5.1.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed multiple issues in the AccelByte Unreal Engine OSS that were causing crashes.

  • When a match is found in Matchmaking, all players in the match now receive a notification.

  • Fixed functional issues in the OSS services.

Breaking Changes


  • Renamed some variables in item info model

  • Renamed FPresenceStatus to FAccelBytePresenceStatus to resolve conflict

  • Renamed some variable in item info model

  • Session: Renamed FAccelByteModelsV2PartyMembersChangedEvent field from Party to Session

  • Session: model list

  • FAccelByteModelsV2DSStatusChangedNotif.GameServer -> moved to be inside FAccelByteModelsV2DSStatusChangedNotif.Session.DSInformation

  • FAccelByteModelsV2PartyMembersChangedEvent.PartyID -> moved to be inside FAccelByteModelsV2PartyMembersChangedEvent.Party.ID

  • FAccelByteModelsV2PartyMembersChangedEvent.Members -> moved to be inside FAccelByteModelsV2PartyMembersChangedEvent.Party.Members

  • FAccelByteModelsV2GameSessionMembersChangedEvent.SessionID -> moved to be inside FAccelByteModelsV2GameSessionMembersChangedEvent.Session.ID

  • FAccelByteModelsV2GameSessionMembersChangedEvent.Members -> moved to be inside FAccelByteModelsV2GameSessionMembersChangedEvent.Session.Members

  • OAuth: Error handler signature changed and IamUrl changed as optional

  • The existing var type (TMap<FString, FJsonObjectWrapper> CustomAttributes{};) in a model (FAccelByteModelsPublicUserProfileInfo) is not compatible with server response, we need to adjust it (to FJsonObjectWrapper CustomAttributes{};) to appropriate with server response and also uniformity JsonObject SDK parsing model.

  • adjusted JsonObject variable type in FAccelByteModelsPublicUserProfileInfo model to able give JSON value and uniformity

  • adjusted variable type in a model to able give JSON value and uniformity


  • Use session type in SDK, changed EOnlineSessionTypeAccelByte to EAccelByteV2SessionType

  • Some methods are removed from the OSS Interfaces in Unreal Engine 5.1

Unity SDK

  • Updated item info model