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AGS Starter 0.2.0

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Release Date: September 19th, 2022 Indochina Time.

  • Current AccelByte SDK Unreal Engine: 16.1.0
  • Current AccelByte SDK Unity: 15.0.0
  • Current AccelByte Network-Utilities: 2.3.0
  • Current AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.2.2
  • Current AccelByte OSS: 0.4.0

Here’s a look at what’s new in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Starter 0.2.0


Account Linking Optimization

We have optimized the account linking process. You can now link several third-party accounts to your AccelByte account (with a maximum of one third-party account from each platform).

User Generated Content Auto-Moderation

User-generated content will be hidden after reaching a certain amount of reports. You can set the threshold on the Admin Portal.

Netflix In-Game Login

Players can now log in to your game using the Netflix Game Access Token. This feature is currently only available in our Unity SDK.

Configure 3rd-Party Login Method for Discord

You can now configure Discord logins through the Admin Portal.

Third-Party Achievement Synching with Steam and Xbox

We’re now able to sync the progression of specific achievements that created on the third-party portal for a specific game

Report Player

In addition to reporting content, players can now also report other players. They are able to include a reason for reporting, additional comments, and metadata. Admins can also configure the Auto-moderation for player reports.

Sell Item in Store with Dynamic Price

The endpoint now allows you to create an order that you can use to call dynamic prices through your customer service.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed NumOpenPublicConnections doesn't change when a player is connected to a session
  • Fixed can't find AccelByteError.h header file when setup OSS
  • Fixed GetSubsystem() function always returns NULL when running game in PIE
  • Fixed GetApiClient function returns Null

Breaking Changes

Unreal Engine SDK

  • Group API models change affect function signature. a. Change in the function parameter for these functions: GetGroupMembersListByGroupId and DeleteMemberRole functions.

    b. Change in model/structure AccelByteGroupModels:

    • change in EAccelByteGroupListSortBy enum class
    • in FAccelByteModelsMemberRequestResponse struct, change RequestType type from FString to EAccelByteGroupRequestType enum
    • in FAccelByteModelsGetGroupMembersListByGroupIdRequest struct, change SortBy type from FString to EAccelByteGroupListSortBy enum
    • FAccelByteModelsGetMemberRolesListResponse struct doesn’t inherit FAccelByteModelsGroupInformation anymore
    • in FAccelByteModelsGetMemberRolesListResponse struct, these fields are removed: MemberRoleId, MemberRoleName and MemberRolePermissions. It’s changed to Data
    • in FAccelByteModelsGetMemberRequestsListResponse struct, change Data type from TArray<FAccelByteModelsRuleInformation> to TArray<FAccelByteModelsMemberRequestResponse>
  • Changed AdditionalInfo datatype from dictionary to a struct / JsonObject

  • Change availability type in the presence model

    • Removed EAccelByteGeneralUserStatus
    • Renamed Availability to EAvailability
    • Renamed Availability::Availabe to EAvailability::Online
  • Refactor/removal AvatarURL/User Profile related Implementation

    • AccelByteUserProfileModels.h files were removed
    • In FAccelByteModelsUserProfileInfo struct, these fields were removed:
      • FirstName
      • LastName
      • AvatarSmallUrl
      • AvatarUrl
      • AvatarLargeUrl
    • In FAccelByteModelsPublicUserProfileInfo struct, these fields were removed:
      • AvatarSmallUrl
      • AvatarUrl
      • AvatarLargeUrl
    • in FAccelByteModelsUserProfileUpdateRequest struct, these fields are removed:
      • FirstName
      • LastName
      • AvatarSmallUrl
      • AvatarUrl
      • AvatarLargeUrl
      • DateOfBirth
    • in FAccelByteModelsUserProfileCreateRequest struct, these fields are removed:
      • FirstName
      • LastName
      • AvatarSmallUrl
      • AvatarUrl
      • AvatarLargeUrl
      • DateOfBirth